Wednesday, December 10, 2008

In my senior year I am finally having to take all the classes I put off for 3 years: public speaking, biology, the WEPT, and American history. I have always hated history. I have never understood the point of breaking up all the years of the earth's existence into a timeline of chapters with key terms and review questions at the end. Sure, Napolean was a very successful leader, but he's dead now and I'm not French. So you can see why having to take 3 music history classes and 1 American history class was not on my list of things I was looking forward to about college. That was, until I entered the American history class of Pellom McDaniels. I figured that taking a history class with a former Chiefs football player would at least be entertaining. My teacher in high school who had been coaches always made boring classes interesting, although not in an academic sort of way. But Professor McDaniels was completely different. He never once said the word "football" until someone asked him about it. I have never had a teacher so dedicated to my education. I learned A LOT in his class, and not just about how our country came to be and why issues and struggles and prejudices still exist today, but also HOW to think about things. I learned that history is not about a timeline of events happening in sequential order, but that each moment is a punctum, taking shape because of the influences of countless other things happening. I really started to see how everything is related and not just separate steps on a timeline. As strange as it is to say, my favorite class in college has been a history class.

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